
What is Past Life Regression?
It is the deliberate use of a variety of methods to retrieve memories of experiences that occurred in other lifetimes." Past Life Regression, it is a process of recalling memories, impressions, stories or experiences from within you. It is a way of exploring different parts of yourself that you may not have been aware of on a conscious level. By re-experiencing past life events, one can bring about healing and change -- the goal is to look at your subconscious memories to gather knowledge, wisdom and a deeper understanding of your character. By obtaining information about your previous lifetimes you can gain full knowledge of your character, your personality, your overall progress and the nature of your soul.
People carry a similar energy pattern from life to life. The pattern may change as people master lessons or experiences traumatic events, but the distinct nature of that person's energy, even when in a different body, allows one to recognize same energy when it reappears. You may also use one's own energetic sense to feel and recognize another's energy. While observing past lives, it is common to recognize people who are also now present in your life.
Many times you travel with the same group of people until you decide to change or continue to stay with that circle of people for various reasons. A person may incarnate into any race, gender, or religious or spiritual belief system.
A regression can reveal the roots of a phobia or other emotional blocks. If we look at the core of the problems in our lives it may well be a past life -- then a healing can begin to take place.
Results do not require belief. Open-minded inquiry is all that is necessary. The human mind is an unlimited storehouse of knowledge. The answers are already there, and the mind resonates with the excitement of discovery.
Although many people experience great revelations in past life exploration, there is no guarantee that everyone will. Past life therapy is a powerful tool, but first comes the desire and determination of the person's acceptance of the information in assisting their healing and understandings.
Click here to listen to an actual Past Life Regression session.
Cost: $250 per session (Sessions last between 2-3 hours)
For two or more sessions, there will be a discount of $50
off the second and third sessions. Each session is recorded for you to take home a copy to review later for greater healing and knowledge.

"I first met Karen Willis during a Mind, Body, Spirit Expo at the Cecil College. She conducted a group past life regression, the first I ever tried. I was surprised to see how this journey so easily helped me understand aspects of my life that had always been a mystery. I experienced a new calm after the event, and I knew I needed a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with Karen, and she was able to schedule me immediately. In the Quantum Healing, Karen took me through other past lives. I have since been able to validate certain details of one life through historical research. She then put me in touch with my higher self. The higher self is the larger part of us that is very wise and free of the ego. It is pure consciousness, sorcerer behind the veil; the one pulling the strings of illusion and who knows the reasons behind all our choices. It is the part that can heal us instantaneously. I felt immediate trust and safety in Karen's expert hands from the beginning and through the whole process. She guided me gently and safely, ensuring opportunity for forgiveness and healing every step of the way. She helped me get to the heart of my life's purpose, to become clear on what I need to do and aware of events yet to come. And she provided me with a CD of our session that blows me away and heals me further each time I listen to it, because I am able to regain that flow and connection with my higher self as I do so. I am grateful to Karen beyond words. I am grateful for her wisdom, her precision and skill. She is all at once Priestess, private investigator and trusted guide. She is a precious gift. I will definitely visit Karen again for Quantum Healing, and look forward to experiencing a Life Between Lives session with her as well."
“My past life regression experience with Karen was remarkable. Karen guided and helped me gain a deeper understanding of who I am and why I am here. My experience went beyond discovering this life's lessons and purpose, she also helped me heal a pattern in my current life relationships by healing the past. I personally benefited from learning about some of the karmic mistakes I had made in previous existences. It was easy for me to discern that some of the key problems I am facing today had their root causes in the past lives I was shown and Karen helped me remove the effects by addressing these root causes. Overall, I had a beautiful experience and a profound and natural healing. My session went beyond my expectations and its benefits extended on my body, mind, and spirit."

"I noticed I was feeling a bit nervous before going for my regression, as I had never done a regression with Karen before, but I found her approach to be warm and caring and to put me right at ease! Karen is a consummate professional and very skilled in her work. I have had regressions with others before but have not found anyone to be quite as caring, understanding, thorough and comprehensive in their approach. Obviously I am delighted to have found Karen and her unique approach to this healing work, which helped me change long-held patters on a more profound level."